His Home is at Sea

I didn't think I'd make a poem after the Beneath the Missing Sea campaign I was in concluded, but here I am.
I cannot promise that this will be any good, but I'm in the mood to create this

There once was a man, born on land
But in his heart he yearned for the sea
For many years he was from a farm
Fearing his dream was not to be

When of age he became, to the coast he ran
Got a job on a ship, tying knots and climbing
And learned how to be a magic man
His spirit was so free, undying

But eventually coin was low, a shame
For his home was at sea

One day...
The mage met up with the axe and the snake
To find a sea that lay empty, dead and baked

Perhaps they would...
Fetch some kegs (the ale must flow)
Wrangle a crab (it's in their name)
Find new comrades (who've left as of now)
Hear prophecies, rumors, and garner some fame.

Rescue an alchemist, who would cure the sea's plague
Don a diving suit, of masterful craft
Slide down a rope into darkness so vague
Blow up a monster that came from a vat

Encounter a lady, most virtuous was she
Climb up pipes into a tower
Kill a wizard (his body lies in what remained of the sea)
Nearly witness the merfolk's divination power

See a dead god, for an important task
Plunge into it's depths to find an egg unsurpassed
In magical power, to bring it all back
Bring it to the merfolk, to set it all right
Witness the sea return, life will return at last

After the predictable drunken and drug fueled revelry, the axe would wander off to enjoy his fame, fortune, and glory
The Snake would return to his homeland with a gem worth more than entire kingdoms.
But ironically, the pyromancer stayed near the sea.
He would give the Sea Speaker's staff found inside the dead god to that wizard's former apprentice, Dalbryn, who he would accompany back to the Sea Speaker's tower.
It contained countless tomes of knowledge, a lifetime's worth and more.
But above all, his home was at sea.

(Also RIP Crab Cakes)
