Lazy Regional Encounters

Keep in mind I've yet to run a hexcrawl, but for some reason creating different encounter tables for different regions of a map is something I agonize over without accomplishing much, so here's my current method

When you experience an encounter, roll a d6. On a 1-3 (maybe 1-4 if I'd want it to be more likely) you roll on the local encounter table, and on a 4-6 (or a 5-6) you roll on a table with everything to represent a faction wandering into another place, or wanderers like merchants or the brave knight himself

Here's what I've made for a little project that's currently  dead

Local Encounter Table (d6)
1-3: Home faction
4-5: Appropriate animal
6: Appropriate dangerous beast

General Encounter Table (d8)
1: Sir Oswald
2: Dragonmen (cult or roving bands)
3: Merchant (Independent or Caravan
4: Hob and Gob Bog Robs
5: Talons of Knialoth bandits or warriors
6: Red Company mercenaries
7: Animal
8: Dangerous Beast

Keep in mind, this is done with an internalization of who is supposed to be where, as well as reasonable assumption about what kind of animal or dangerous beast would be in that area.
Dragonmen populate the eastern hills, The Hob and Gobs live in... the bog, the Talons of Knialoth reside west of the river and in their northwestern mountain fort, and the Red Company are dotted along the eastern side of the River as well as helping defend the city of Rundur.

Merchants wander all over the place to sell their wares, and Sir Oswald wanders around accompanying travelers, mostly just telling them very, very long stories about various knights and their triumphs over the forces of evil. 

Anyways that's the current Igneous method, there are many better ones probably but this one is mine.
