I've got so many drafts I need to blog (I don't like level limits for demi-humans)

 I uh


I really love the simplicity of White Box, specifically Charlie Mason's Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game because that's what I own in print 

Very elegant and simple, leaves room for you to fill in some gaps as well

I don't like OD&D and AD&D style seperated race and class though (I prefer either BFRPG style separate race and class, or race as class), so I've thought of hacking White Box a little bit

Removing stat XP boosts and giving humans a +10% XP gain, removing level limits from Dwarves and Halflings but they can still only be fighters and thieves, and Elves specifically are a Fighter/Magic-User race as class. I would also include minimum stat requirements for demi-human races and elves (e.g. dwarves require a minimum of 9 constitution)

I forgot who sent me this so forgive me, but I will be basing elves off of this:

And next, I will be showing my very slightly edited version, as the one above replaces the Fighter's multiattack against 1HD enemies with weapon damage increases over time and a cleave move on another opponent if they kill someone, if I remember correctly

Maybe I'd need to rebalance Dwarves and Halflings a little bit, but humans being the only ones with an XP bonus is in their favor quite a bit so it might be fine
I've also thought of making race classes for Dwarves and Halflings as well, which could be fun.

It's possible I could use UndeadWaffle's wound system (no HP, only HD) which I will link here
https://undeadwaffle.com/2022/10/19/death-to-hp-long-live-hd/ It's important to note however that he doesn't claim total originality, but for simplicity's sake I am saying it's his system.
In the case of using his HD system, HD increases in White Box of merely a +1 to X HD would not affect anything.

Maybe I could hack a slot based inventory system and that might be fun, but White Box isn't that bad with it's pound based encumbrance really. An Average amount of equipment always weights 10 pounds, so the remaining weight is weapons, armor, and treasure. It's inoffensive.

If you think that a good portion of this is me slapping bits I like from Basic Fantasy RPG onto White Box...

...you'd be absolutely correct

Post over, have a nice day.
