Work In Progress OSR Campaign Map


1 Hex = 6 Miles

In times long forgotten, this place was a front line against the heart of the Lich King's forces.
The Lich King is lone gone, and those times are long forgotten...  

The fishing town is unnamed at the moment, and there is a fort with soldiers in the same hex

There is a very old obelisk tower roughly 6 miles out of town that a master wizard and their apprentices set up shop in a couple of years ago, slowly uncovering it's dark secrets and selling spells to the occasional traveling magician to may pass by, which is an uncommon occurrence.
These wizards are heavily distrusted by the townsfolk, suspecting them of being behind the dangers of the forest

The forest near the mountain wall was not always as large and dense. Many a battleground between human armies and undead, an old order of druids expanded and nurtured a forest across the battlegrounds hoping to contain the dark magic that lingered from it all. it worked for a long time, but ultimately it was in vain. The forest absorbed the magic and it became a twisted and perilous version of what it had previously been. The Druids are all scattered, if not dead.

But there is much treasure in these dangerous woods, and people who have the coin for those who retrieve information and old artifacts from the forests and the deep tombs within it.
There is an old order of soldiers and rangers in the fort near the town who are on constant watch for the return for the Lich King, considered mad by many. The army will not accept their calls for expeditions into the forest, as it is too dense for too many to navigate, but a smaller adventuring party as a plausibly deniable asset...
