WIP OSR Campaign: Crypt and Village in the Forest

I'll be discussing a concept i had for a possible starting dungeon for the party not too far into the forest that doubles as a village, subject to change of course

But before i get into that, i would like to show off the new map I've made in Hex Kit

Lately things have trouble... dying in the forest. Bodies and old bones seem to get up at random, only to fall back down again. Other times, they stay up, either as a mere husk of what they once were mimicking a few their past actions. Other times, they may be more full versions of their past selves, partially or fully retaining their past memories. Their awareness of their current undead situation varies, although most are either not enough of their full selves to be aware of such a thing or are in constant fragile denial.

The few who realize such a thing are truly lonely creatures

The village in the forest is actually a soldier's camp, created by undead soldiers who in life fought against the Lich's terrible armies. The camp was built a couple years ago when strange events started happening in the forest, many of the soldiers rose from their crypt and built a camp around it, as if constantly prepared to fight the enemy which no longer existed. If the party were to visit, they would be welcomed in and treated just fine for the most part

The Soldiers range from husks to ones who retain more of their past selves, although the latter are in extremely fragile denial. If the players indicate they aren't alive anymore, they may break down and react unpredictably towards the players. There is also one soldier who is fully aware of their skeletal state of being, and will either give the players the opportunity to buy supplies they could not normally get here or flat out give them such things in exchange for simply talking to him and letting him vent about his fears (such as wondering if his soul as ascended to the afterlife already and he is simply a collection of memories without a soul, making the thought of dying scary for him. He still considers himself alive, in a way).

The Crypt itself is not fleshed out too much besides being a starting dungeon. Most of the enemies would be husks but perhaps there would be a few others.
Regarding adventure hooks and possible resulting consequences for looting a crypt I'm unsure exactly what to do. I've considered looting this place just angering the Watchfort rangers (the group on constant watch for the Lich who can serve as a party patron) but I'm concerned about it being so easy to anger significant patrons so early on, so I've considered most of the dungeon being a secret area away from the crypt itself, holding it's own secrets and treasure.

That's what I've felt inspired to write today. I'd like to write about Watchfort, Watchfort Town, and the Obelisk Tower, but i haven't felt the drive to do that yet.

For context, Watchfort is the fortress with the soldiers and rangers, and Watchfort Town is the main town. These names were recent decisions.
