Dragonman Skeleton for Basic Fantasy RPG

Skeletal Dragonmen

Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 2*
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon
Movement: 30'
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d6
Save As: Fighter 2
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 100

Skeletal Dragonmen are a more powerful Skeleton sometimes created by evil magic using dragons to guard their lairs, although evil human and demi-human magic-users and clerics creating them isn't unheard of.

Like Skeletons, they take half damage from edged weapons, and only a single point from arrows, bolts or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). As a mindless undead creature, they are immune to sleep, charm, or hold magic, and any mind reading magic on them is useless. They are turned as a zombie by a cleric.
A Skeletal Dragonman can choose to forgo all movement and actions on their turn and take 1d8 damage in return for using a 1d10 damage 15-foot cone breath weapon (save vs dragon breath for half damage)

To finish this little project off, here's some crudely made art for the monster
Only the finest of art pieces, I know
